Flower Hill Navan
Computer Repairs and Upgrades
Disaster Avoid Scammer Unprofessional

As a Certified Microsoft Professional I had accumulated many bits and pieces of PC's over the years. Recently I decided to do a major clearout and happened to be talking to Dan in his business CRU around the same time! I asked him if he would be interested in taking all the bits and pieces. He said yes. So I brought a car load of stuff to him.

I also brought my own house PC and left it with Dan to have a look at, just the box!

It was having trouble booting - And that was all!

On arrival he opened the side cover of the box pointed a compressed airline nozzle at the processor fan and made the fan rotate at high speed with the air, he then proceeded to move the nozzle into the spinning blades until it made contact and he broke one of the fan blades off. This was a ZALMAN 40 Euro Cooler broken by the shop owner within minutes of me walking in the door! At the time I was polite and said nothing, but expecting a replacement FOC.

Three days later I got a call to say the computer was ready and the cost would be €150 - I was shocked!

Dan claims he spent two days working on it and had to replace parts. I think realistically he would have spent two hours perhaps!

When I asked him what parts he said the processer cooler fan!

I said but you broke it when I was here and he just shrugged his shoulders!

This is the broken fan I was handed back and I was charged for a cheapie noisy replacement plus the installation!

To be honest I expected a bill of 50 to 75 Euro and for time only! But for a Guy to break your up-market parts in front of you, replace them with cheap inferior parts and then charge you double the price! Something very very wrong here!

When I got it home and plugged it in I had to start almost at the beginning and configure the computer the way it should have been done in CRU!

What a chancer - Would I darken his door again, not ever! Just be warned!

You can learn from my experience! Just avoid - There are many other decent, reputable and professional repair shops around the town!

